For when you have that one... or many thorns in your side.
Standard Bounty
Who is Lester Crest?
AM4H has partnered with Lester Crest to offer bounty services. Simply call Lester on your phone and order the hit. Have multiple targets or want a bounty placed on a target multiple times? Then have your friends call Lester to order hits also. Remember, Lester is partnered with TPE. TPE is an extremely unpredictable organization and your enemies may have Lester on speed dial themselves.

*This service utilizes the in-game bounty placing feature. Please coordinate your initial hit(s) with AM4H prior to ordering it. We reserve the right to complete/ continue any active missions before claiming any bounties. We also treat bounties indiscriminately, so use this service at your own risk. $9,000 bounty minimum for our services. We reserve the right to bounty hunt on our terms, when we are available. Discounts may apply for our vetted clients. Not a vetted client yet? Apply today!
Contract Bounty
Total assault may be justified, for the right price.
When calling Lester and spending your hard earned GTA V Cash in $9,000 increments becomes a little monotonous... Maybe a pay in advance, list your hits/ rivals, and sit back and watch the fireworks is more your kind of operation? Negotiate your Contract Bounty with us today!

*This is one of our most expensive services, comes with specific terms and exceptions, and should not be taken lightly. Any target(s) negotiated in this contract will be made aware of why they are being targeted, after the first engagement. As the game notifies the target(s) when a bounty is placed on them, so will we. This service is reserved for our vetted clients only. Not a vetted client yet? Apply today!